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Today's quote:

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

I just love a good fight!


I could sleep in this morning, as there was going to be no Pistols at Dawn duel. Instead, I received this short conciliatory email from Council, "Thanks for your time to discuss the installation on site yesterday. Please see a revised water plan attached for approval."

My reply didn't quite match their brevity:


I would have thought that it is a lot more than twenty metres from the eastern boundary, but as long as we are agreed that the physical spot is as indicated by you in person, namely, WELL to the right of the bottom gate on flat ground just below the young liquid amber tree, I am happy to sign off on it.

Will there be any change to the sewerage pipe? I thought you expressed an interest to also run it diagonally across my front yard and somewhat parallel to my owner-installed water pipe; after all, if we can still trust old Pythagoras, the length of the hypotenuse is shorter than (a = along the outside boundary to the gate) + (b = from the gate to the house) and would save you some money - see www.omnicalculator.com/math/hypotenuse.


Which prompted this rather curt reply from Council:


20m is approximately what was agreed on site yesterday. I am familiar with Pythagoras’s theorem. See revised plan for the pressure sewer attached.

If you approve, please sign the attached plans and return them via email.


And so he should! (be familiar with Pythagoras' theorem)

I just love a good fight - as long as I'm winning!

Googlemap Riverbend