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Today's quote:

Friday, September 13, 2024

I sleep like a baby

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I sleep like a baby which means I wake up every few hours when I switch on the radio and listen to it for a while before drifting off again. Last night's "Big Ideas" on ABC Radio National kept me spellbound for an hour even though Laura Beers' voice grated on me and she spoke too fast. She spoke about her new book "Orwell's Ghosts: Wisdoms and Warnings for the 21st Century".

This is a recently released book which I'm unlikely to find at the local op-shop, not now and perhaps not ever because people down here probably think that "Animal Farm" is all about animal husbandry instead of being one of Orwell's finest work on the events of Russia's Bolshevik revolution and the betrayal of the cause by Joseph Stalin.

While I am adding "Orwell's Ghosts: Wisdoms and Warnings for the 21st Century" to my growing list of books to buy, you may enjoy listening to last night's ABC Radio National's "Are we taking Orwell's name in vain?".

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