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Today's quote:

Friday, September 6, 2024

Memories of Bougainville



We've just come home after a couple of hours' 'aquatic therapy' in the heated indoor pool in the Bay. In the men's changeroom I found a discarded CAMAY soap wrapper which immediately brought back memories.

During the construction phase of the Bougainville Copper mine in the early 70s when I lived at Camp 6 at Loloho, we always received with our weekly towel change a new piece of CAMAY soap, whether we had used up the old one or not. Usually we hadn't and there was unwanted CAMAY soap all over the camp.

A certain surveyor would collect all the unwanted CAMAY soap he could get his hands on and also regularly empty the crib rooms of all their spare LIPTON tea-bags and ARNOTT'S Scotch Finger biscuits, all of which he would parcel up and send to his family in Perth.

If you have ever been to Perth and seen a family with a lovely CAMAY complexion and an aversion to LIPTON tea and ARNOTT'S Scotch Finger biscuits, you will know whom I talking about. 😄

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