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Today's quote:

Friday, September 13, 2024

The big boys were here!


Whether we want it or not - and most of us don't want it! - we're going to get water and sewerage: we send the Bay our sewerage and they send us their clean water. Doesn't seem like a fair exchange but then life isn't fair!



In they came with the big guns ...



... to break up all that concrete behind the house ...



... to lay the new sewer pipe.



Then they brought in the new "pod" ...



... which has a 1000-litre capacity, so even if there's a "brown-out" or the power goes out completely, we can still go about our "business"!



The townwater pipes will come next, but I don't know when and where they will be laid. To ensure they won't interfere with my underground powerlines, I did some investigative digging to outline their presence.



It's all over now bar the water and the electrical connection but they left the boss's car behind. I wasted no time in claiming it as my own - click on image.



Stay tuned for the water boys!

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