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Today's quote:

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Smee again!


Well, smee again! If you follow my blogs, you will know that I'm a great fan of Yuval Noah Harari and his books "Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind", "Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow", and "21 Lessons for the 21st Century". He is a gifted storyteller and public speaker, even though he sacrifices science for sensationalism, and his work is riddled with errors.

After an unusually warm end to our winter, spring temperatures have suddenly dropped again to an chilly nine degrees this morning. I've lit the fireplace again, moved my armchair closer to the burning logs, and now listen to Yuval's audiobook "Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind".


Read the online book here


The audiobook consists of twenty chapters, beautifully narrated by Derek Perkins. For a limited time only, I let you listen to them here:

01 An Animal of No Significance
02 The Tree of Knowledge
03 A Day in the Life of Adam and Eve
04 The Flood
05 History's Biggest Fraud
06 Building Pyramids
07 Memory Overload
08 There is no Justice in History
09 The Arrow of History
10 The Scent of Money
11 Imperial Visions
12 The Law of Religion
13 ... continued
14 The Secret of Success
15 The Discovery of Ignorance
16 ... continued
17 The Marriage of Science and Empire
18 ... continued
19 The Capitalist Creed
20 ... continued
21 The Wheels of Industry
22 A Permanent Revolution
23 ... continued
24 And They Lived Happily Ever After
25 The End of Homo Sapiens
26 Afterword: The Animal that Became a God


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