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Today's quote:

Friday, August 28, 2020

"What can I getcha, Hun?"


Covid or no covid, today we went shopping and to support the local coffee shop (whatever happened to the old milk bars with those old bashed and beaten metal milkshake tumblers and giant Wagon Wheels the size of - well, wagon wheels?)

Instead, we had a fancy gateau at a fancy price which went down well. The waitress's overly familiar attitude went down less well. "What can I getcha, Hun?" How could it be that she had guessed my old ethnicity?

Anyway, no shopping-trip is ever complete with a visit to my favourite op-shop where I picked up a few more pre-read and -loved books: "The New Paradigm For Financial Markets - The Credit Crisis of 2008 And What It Means" by George Soros and, for the armchair-traveller in me, "Adventures of a Continental Drifter" and "Last Chance to See", the latter by Douglas Adams of Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy-fame.

I'm now safely back at "Riverbend" and sitting, book in one hand and cup of chai in the other, on the sunlit verandah. Life could be a lot worse!

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