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Today's quote:

Sunday, July 11, 2021

"Oh Brave New World that has DocuSign in it."


My auditors sent me an email in relation to the annual administration of our SMSF. It read, "To increase the efficiency of the lodgement process, we have adopted Docusign (digital signing) for ALL clients for the signing of tax returns from FY2021 administration. DocuSign is an encrypted, secure and Covid safe way for you to sign documents online. We are no longer able to provide hard copies of documents from 1st July 2021."

So, on the 9th of July in the Year of Our Ford 2021, I clicked on "Please read the Electronic Records and Signature Disclosure" and, having better things to do than reading through scores of pages of small print, clicked on "I agree to use electronic records and signatures", after having accepted a cursive version of my name which wasn't even in my own handwriting. Will I be around long enough to see docusign hacked and documents electronically signed in my name turning up somewhere?

Time for my daily dose of soma. Brave New World indeed! Ford help us!

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