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Today's quote:

Thursday, May 20, 2021

If it's eight o'clock in the morning here, it must be midnight in Germany


Just as well it wasn't the other way 'round when an old friend from my German 'boy scout' days, Armin Stiller, video-called me via facebook. We talked and talked, and then we talked some more.

It was interesting to note how divergent our memories were of the very same thing we had experienced at the very same time in the very same place, with Armin recalling minute details of which I had no memory at all, and other details which I could recall but which Armin seemed to have never noticed or totally forgotten. So much for reliable memories! (let alone the now largely scientifically discredited repressed memory; just saying!)

Above is Armin at midnight in springtime Germany and below is me, trying to digest both my porridge and what Armin is saying in German.

But, as they say, there's more: note how Padma took this photo of me from my least photogenic side which shows the deep incision from my throat-cancer operation; also note the 'build-a-better-mousetrap'-type green mousetrap on the floor in the kitchen. It has worked so well that we haven't seen any cute little critters for several weeks now.

What you can't see is the blazing fire at the back of me to the right, and what you also can't feel is the lovely warmth pushed out by its fan. I hate the cold but I do love those cold winter's nights in front of the fire!

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