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Today's quote:

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Another early morning at "Riverbend"


Early Saturday morning at "Riverbend". I have fed the possum in his possum penthouse and the wild ducks by the pond, and then stood for a few moments in silent reverie admiring my latest handiwork (or should that be "handy work"? 😀)

My BUNNINGS purchases are mounting up. On this little job alone I have already run up a tab of two thousand dollars, and the most expensive bits, WEATHERTEX® cladding and Colorbond® roofing, are yet to come.

Of course, every time I leave their store, they check and check again to ensure I have paid for everything. What they don't seem to realise is that each time I'm smuggling out one of their shopping baskets which make excellent carry-alls for my tools or as laundry basket for Padma.

According to the Bible's Isaiah 48:22, there is no rest for the wicked, but I am declaring this weekend the "Stay-at-home-and-read weekend".

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