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Today's quote:

Monday, June 7, 2021

Where there's smoke coming out of a chimney, there's a fireplace burning


And it burned all night, and is still burning this morning, and I've just put on a few more logs because it is a cold and frosty morning which is best endured close by the fireside with a bowl of hot porridge and a cup of hot tea in hand.

Nights have been below ten degrees, and the days, despite all that glorious sunshine, never top twenty degrees. Of course, it could be a lot worse and I could still be in Germany where the population dashes out to catch a suntan when temperatures go above sixteen degrees. Indeed, it could be a lot worse and I could still be in Germany FULL STOP.

Obviously, I was in my - albeit undernourished - youth then, and snow hadn't become a four-letter word yet. In fact, we called it "Schnee", and the more of it, the better. Now that I'm the same age as old people, I'd hate to think to have to brave another German winter. Give me sixteen degrees, a cup of hot tea, and a place by the fireside any cold morning!

There may be some young people who glance at this blog, but the four known readers who are all of the same vintage as myself - in other words, doddering elders - will, like me, already look forward to those glorious summer months seemingly still an eternity away. Keep warm!

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P.S. One of the four readers feels himself excluded from the above blog, not because he's not a doddering elder (he was born with a suit and tie and never drank anything stronger than COKE) but because he left sunny Sunshine Vic. and now lives in the northern hemisphere in Fairfield, Connecticut. Take a bow, Des, as this is your fifteen SECONDS of fame!