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Today's quote:

Monday, October 17, 2022

"Cameras are not permitted to be used in change rooms."


I just did! As paid-up member of the Apostrophe Protection Society, I couldn't help myself. If you can tell me where the apostrophe is missing, you win a whole year's free reading of this oh so erudite blog! Your entry must be submitted before the end of this week.

I came home to a gut-wrenching 62% fall in the value of my Hawson Iron shares which followed this morning's announcement that their Bankable Feasibility Study had been deferred indefinitely. 'O ye, of little faith!'

Click on images to enlarge


With BHP also down over two percent, it's time to stick my head in the sand - or rather, a book - and enjoy the peace and quiet of "Riverbend".

Googlemap Riverbend