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Today's quote:

Thursday, June 13, 2024

An immigrant's view on immigration

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You might assume that - being an immigrant myself - I'm a big fan of ever-increasing immigration levels and, eventually, open borders. But you'd be wrong. Yes, some immigration is good. Not only do new arrivals bring drive and creativity, they also often have skills that can help to create a more flexible labour market and boost productivity. It's also humane for a plentiful country to share its opportunity-rich land with a moderate number of genuine refugees - people fleeing war and persecution in their own countries.

But, in the words of Joseph Stalin, 'quantity has a quality all of its own'; or, put simply, you can have too much of a good thing. Other than a handful of lunatics who advocate the idea of open borders, most of us understand that there is a sensible level of immigration which, when exceeded, becomes disruptive to existing communities. This, in turn, does everyone a disservice, including the immigrants themselves.

I can say this because I'm speaking from lived experience, which apparently makes me bullet-proof in the face of criticism - but everyone should be able to state this without fear of reproach. Why? Because it's the truth. And, last time I checked, that still mattered.

It certainly matters now, given the current climate. Anyone who says anything remotely critical about immigration, or raises the mildest concerns about people coming here illegally, is shouted down and accused of being a racist and a white supremacist."

Not my words but my sentiments exactly. The words are from chapter 9 of Konstantin Kisin's eye-opening and praiseworthy book "An Immigrant's Love Letter to the West" which, coming all the way from the U.K. where Konstantin lives and of which he writes, finally landed in my mailbox.

And there's so much more in this gem of a book:

The author, like everyone else who dares to taser those woke people with logic, has been shouted down as stupid and racist. Weirdly, none of those woke people who tell us how evil, bigoted, racist and sexist the West is ever move to any of the other 'much better' countries. Why?

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