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Today's quote:

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

There goes the neighbourhood



They've made a hell of a mess of "Riverbend"'s nature strip which I've been tending so lovingly for years. "They" are the contractors who are bringing the sewerage connection to "Riverbend" and its neighbours up the lane and in the village.



Being at the end of the lane, "my" nature strip is also graced with a "flushing box" (located below the temporarily placed witches hat) ...



... which will be needed as I can't image all that unmentionable "stuff" to pass through a pipe a mere 30mm in diameter without some regular "stuff-up". I'd better instal a telephone inside my toilet so I can phone Council before I sit down after I had an Indian curry the night before!



Just looking through that mere 30mm pipe, I feel constipated already!



Googlemap Riverbend