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Today's quote:

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

When "global warming" became bet-hedging "climate change"



The legendary author, poet, journalist and humorist Clive James, who unfortunately died in 2019, aged 80, had cast a weary eye over the state of the climate debate and concluded that climate alarmists are on the ropes.

“The proponents of man-made climate catastrophe asked us for so many leaps of faith that they were bound to run out of credibility in the end.”

Nevertheless, he warns that everyone else should be on their guard: scaremongering is such an addictive power that the unscrupulous will soon launch some other scare:

“For as long as the climate change fad lasted, it always depended on poppycock; and it would surely be unwise to believe that mankind’s capacity to believe in fashionable nonsense can be cured by the disproportionately high cost of a temporary embarrassment. I’m almost sorry that I won’t be here for the ceremonial unveiling of the next threat.”

Clive James’ survey of the state of the climate debate was published in the new book "Climate Change: The Facts 2017", a review of the science and policy of climate change released by Australia’s Institute of Public Affairs. It has been republished as a standalone essay by the Global Warming Policy Foundation. Here it is:


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Source The Global Warming Policy Foundation


Suggesting you should read the whole 600 pages of Ian Plimer's "Green Murder" - click here - may have been too much of an ask, so here's your easy way out: read Clive James' essay "Mass death dies hard". It tells you all you need to know about this constant bullshit we're being fed by the media day after day. Move over, Chris Bowen and Greta Thunberg!

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