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Today's quote:

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

This brought a tear to my eye

The Seekers in Canberra


Robert Menzies - he of "I did but see her passing by" fame - was our prime minister, the war in Vietnam was escalating, Australia still had the "six o'clock swill", and people were queueing up at the cinemas to see "They're A Weird Mob".

Like Nino Culotta, I'd just stepped off the boat from Europe, and almost immediately fell in love with my new home Australia and the then popular music of "Peter, Paul and Mary" and Australia's own "Seekers".

I spent my first bit of spare money on a "His Master's Voice" radiogram - remember radiograms? - which, in the absence of a bedside table, stood on a chair beside my bed as I listened night after night to "A World of Our Own", "The Carnival Is Over", and "I'll Never Find Another You".

(An old friend from my days in Rabaul in New Guinea has just reminded me of the New Zealand national anthem version they used to sing in the Comworks Mess: "I'll Never Find Another Ewe". Got it? No? Ah, forget it!)



We'll never find another group like "The Seekers". Thinking how blessed we were to have lived through those years brought a tear to my eye.

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