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Today's quote:

Thursday, June 20, 2024

The chaotic Aquatic Centre


It happens so rarely that I don't even know the English word for it, but "Riverbend" was covered in "Rauhreif" this morning; even the car's windscreen was under white frost as we drove the eight kilometres for a dip in the warm-water pool in Batemans Bay.

Luckily, another early-morning regular stopped us at the door, "The warm-water pool is closed, and the hot showers aren't working either." There we were, all dressed down with nowhere to go except straight back home. Time for a long and leisurely breakfast of porridge, pancakes dripping with golden syrup, and a hot cup of serenitea.

Plenty of time to wait for the fog to lift and the sun to rise as I ponder what moment of madness made me decide to come this far south.

Oh, and I've just checked with Google: the name is hoarfrost. They've certainly got the first syllable right albeit not the spelling!

Googlemap Riverbend