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Today's quote:

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

It's been two months ...


Unlike Helen of Troy whose face launched a thousand ships, my small advertisement on realestate.com.au, placed two months ago, elicited just a couple of serious inquiries.

Yes, there were 1,193 "clicks" (of which some 400 are probably my own as I keep admiring my handiwork) and 35 instances when interested persons "saved" the advertisement (for what? a rainy day?) and another two who sent it to friends, but of the 14 emailed inquiries, a dozen were from people whose arithmetic must've been way off or they never drew the necessary conclusion when reading "most residential properties sell at a price ratio of 75% for the house and 25% for the land; 'Riverbend' has an inverse ratio of 25% for the house and 75% for the land (1 July 2022 Valuer-General's LAND Valuation was $2,637,000)".

Which left me with two: one from a real estate mogul in Milton who seemed to be interested in adding to his portfolio, and a more recent one from the owner of a large civil engineering company with a turnover of tens of millions of dollars which presumably left him with enough change to afford the $3.5 million I'm asking for "Riverbend". However, not a word from them since I ever so gingerly suggested that figure!



I've just now upped the ante by adding "Still for ..." to the byline!  😄

Googlemap Riverbend