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Today's quote:

Friday, May 10, 2024

$493,115 to go!



The self-professed ex-millionaire David Glasheen lost his shirt in the share market crash of 1987 and, barechested, dropped out on tropical Restoration Island. (I first heard of him when I sailed past his island in 2005 - see here.)

Not having had the wits to keep his millions, or to share them with others while he still had them, he now wants to buy the island for $500,000 with money from people who he hopes will be more charitable and less stupid than he is.

He set up a crowd-funding webpage in April 2013. In the last eleven years he's collected $6,885, or about $52 a month, at which rate it'll take seven hundred and ninety years to raise the remaining $493,115.

It may be called Kraut-funding but I won't chip in. If you want to speed things up, go to www.gofundme-because-I-think-you-are-gullible.com.

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