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Today's quote:

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Is a nod better than a wink?



Have you noticed those gormless chaps who stand behind all our useless politicians and nod their approval to every word even though what's being said is just a lot of gibberish?

Perhaps they're supposed to draw our attention away from the stupid things our politicians tell us and to be more interested in what's going on behind them. I mean, look out for the blonde on the extreme right who never actually says anything but is a really good nodder. And note how sensitively gender- and ethnicity-balanced those nodders are!

I believe they're modelled on the little plastic dog thingies we used to have in the rear windows of our cars before they were replaced by those big fluffy dice that dangled from the rear vision mirrors. Or perhaps they're a nodding reference to the last time any of our vacuous politicians have ever read a book: Enid Blyton's Noddy.

Maybe it's the ideal retirement job for me. I could wear my Tyrolean hat and 'Lederhosen' and sandals and look just as stupid as the rest of them!

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