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Today's quote:

Thursday, May 30, 2024

The sameness! The sameness!


Some days it feels like a toss-up between Kurtz's "The horror! The horror!" in "Heart of Darkness" and Edvard Munch's "The Scream". It has never been explained what the scream was, but "The sameness! The sameness!" would've been my guess.

After all, we're all made of the same stuff, and while every caveman aspired to a bigger and better cave than his Neanderthal neighbour, which he then decorated with rock paintings and kept cosy with a fire and animal hides, there must've come a time when he just wanted to scream "The sameness! The sameness!" and chuck it all in and run off.

Of all the cities in the world, domesticity can be the worst of all, and for over twenty years I kept away from rock paintings and never kept animal hides. Unencumbered, I could always chuck it all in and run off.

Then "Riverbend" happened and I've been busy collecting rock paintings and animal hides - and books! - until, thirty years later, I look around me in horror and feel like screaming "The sameness! The sameness!"

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