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Today's quote:

Monday, May 6, 2024

Lost in the Desert



On the way into town I heard on the radio that the Adelaide submarine workers are on strike for better pay and working conditions before work has even begun, and public servants will receive 10 days paid leave to access reproductive healthcare including IVF and fertility treatments. What next? Getting paid for having sex? Pity it's all too late for me!

Anyway, we're back from town where they gave me my annual "Health Assessment". My book addiction raised no eyebrows but they want to follow up with a bone density scan and a blood test to check for any signs of dyslipidemia. At this rate, I'll probably live to a be a hundred or until "Riverbend" is sold, whichever comes first.

Plenty of time to introduce you to another one of Jamie Uys' films - you know, the man who gave you "The Gods Must Be Crazy"? - this time "Lost in the Desert" or "Dirkie" which is South Africa's version of our Australian "Walkabout". I enjoyed watching its original Afrikaans version to remind myself of what I would have sounded like if I had stayed in South-West Africa where the VOLKSKAAS was keen to employ me as I already spoke two of the three official languages, namely German and English.


The Afrikaans version


Next time I introduce you to "Dingaka".

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