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Today's quote:

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

If it's mixed grill, it must be Wednesday


Mixed grill has left a lasting impression on me ever since my early days in Australia when it was served on a Wednesday at Barton House (Chicken Maryland on a Friday). I had never before experienced so many different types of cooked meat on one plate. It felt so decadent after the lean and meatless years in Germany.

I've always thought that offal was awful but I came to love lamb's fry slightly pink inside; as for those wonderful lamb chops, I would gnaw on them like King Henry VIII well beyond the point of accepted gluttony.


The look on my face after the cancer surgeon had cut away half my left jaw six years ago, and after I had just heard that mixed grill now costs $44.10


Imagine my surprise after my return in 1985 when mixed grill seemed to have slipped off the menu. Imagine my even greater surprise when I discovered it at the Bomaderry Bowling Club, but at what price: $44.10!

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