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Today's quote:

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Those little old ladies at our favourite op-shop

from left to right: Marti, Donna, Ida, Padma


They're not quite as entertaining as this lot but they're always having a good laugh, although today's hilarity was tempered with sadness as Ida is moving to Queensland to be with her family. Padma had bought her a cake as a farewell present.

None of which stopped me from fossicking for more books: Don Watson's "Bendable Learnings";Tony Kevin's "Walking the Camino"; Brian Freeman's "The Lost Battlefield of Kokoda"; and an absolute gem, Ralph Keyes' "The Writer's Book of Hope". I also "rescued" two DVDs to give to neighbours who I know will enjoy them: "The Lady in the Van" and "My Old Lady".

Goodbye, Ida! We shall miss you!

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