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Today's quote:

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

"A weekly campaign report for your property is now ready to be downloaded."

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Nothing much has happened except for another two or three price inquiries to which I replied, after which I never heard anything more. It seems people simply can't extrapolate from a Valuer-General's assessment of the land value alone of $2,637,000 two years ago and today's selling price with all the improvements.

Of course, there were a couple of chancers, like the two women who came down from Canberra with the idea of wanting to start an eco-tourism business on the seven acres along the river. They told me they'd even been to Council. I thought I send them the clip from "The Castle" but in the end I didn't even bother to tell them that they're dreamin'.



And so we continue to pick up branches and cut the grass - which grows mercifully slow in winter - and do a bit of boat-spotting, always on the assumption that Nietzsche (pronounced as in 'I Nietzsche more than ever!') was right with his "What doesn't kill me, makes me stronger".

Googlemap Riverbend