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Today's quote:

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

They're still there!


Discovering three DVDs of Bob Connolly's trilogy "First Contact /Joe Leahy's Neighbours / Black Harvest" at Vinnies in Moruya last month and seeing the price tag, I asked myself the question: should I spend thirty dollars on what's unarguably a collector's item but which I probably wouldn't watch more than once?

I told myself that if the DVDs were still there on our next visit to Moruya in a weeks' time, they were obviously meant for me and I would lash out the thirty dollars then - click here. More than three weeks later, we were back in Moruya today - and guess what? They're still there!

Vinnies' eftpos-system was down which two Nepalese troubleshooters from OPC were trying to fix but perhaps their kukris were a bit rusty because they were still toiling away when I left empty-handed because I didn't have enough cash on me. If they're still there on our next visit ...

I did have enough cash on me though to pay the two dollars each for "Islands of Truth - A Mathematical Mystery Cruise", "In the Heart of the Sea - The incredible true story that inspired Moby-Dick", and "Turn Right at Machu Picchu - Rediscovering the lost city one step at a time".



All eftpos terminals were still operating in Batemans Bay's post office where I had gone to collect several audiobooks on CDs which I had ordered a week ago, so seeing an OPEL 4G smartphone on offer at $149, I immediately swiped my credit card in readiness for the time when our old SAMSUNG 3G-smartphone becomes obsolete by the end of August.

I've got some new books, Padma's got her new smartphone, the fireplace is blazing away, God's in his heaven, and all's right with the world! I'm going to bed to "sleep wonderfully warm with LINDA" and listen to my new audiobook "The Mother Tongue - English & How It Got That Way".

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