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Today's quote:

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Meet the Mozart of the Insurance Industry

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A former colleague sent me this group photo of the staff of the Braunschweig branch of the Hamburg-Bremer Feuer-Versicherungs-Gesellschaft where I had been serving my articled years since the tender age of fourteen to become perhaps the youngest articled clerk ever.

The photo was taken in 1963. I was a non-conformist already then as evidenced by my casually crossed legs. Or was it just a full bladder?

I was already close to completing my articles but still several years younger than everyone else who had matriculation and was just starting theirs. Call me the Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart of the Insurance Industry!

Of course, you recognised me in the photo, didn't you? If not, click on the image (here's a tip: I am NOT the one with the big white handbag!)

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