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Today's quote:

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

I'm no longer advertising our property - I am advertising the fact that it has still not sold



After 105 days on the internet, "Riverbend" is still for sale! Not that it bothers me nor did I spent much time on the twenty-eight inquiries I received so far. "Thank you for your inquiry. The asking price is $3.5 million" is my usual reply.

I deliberately do not publish the price as this would unnecessarily date the advertisement should I ever have to drop the price because the internet forgets nothing and any previously advertised price will still be visible and make a later price reduction appear a little too desperate.



Unlike previous inquirers who went silent as soon as I had told them the asking price, the latest from someone who, from what I was able to ascertain through my internet searches and in the parlance of a formal bank opinion, appears to be "possessed of assets", resulted in a more positive "I am interested in seclusion. I am going overseas for two weeks. Will contact on my return" response. 105 days ago, I would have wished him a safe journey but I've now become a hardened real estate salesman and didn't even reply. I think it's called "playing hard to get".

Googlemap Riverbend