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Today's quote:

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Still for Sale by Home Owner



Australia is very much an outdoor country. People only go inside to use the toilet - and even that is only a recent development. Keeping that in mind, it's perhaps of little surprise that there've been few inquiries on "Riverbend".

"Riverbend" is very much an outdoor place which looks at its best in summertime. With summer still more than four months away, I can't expect any inquiries other than a recent one which read, "We have seen your beautiful property. We are animal lovers, love the water and peace and quite [sic]", and signed topdognsw@xxx.com. I emailed "topdogsnsw" our top-price of $3.5million and heard nothing more.

"Riverbend" will still be for sale by home owner come summertime.

Googlemap Riverbend