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Today's quote:

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Every book I have read becomes part of me, and discarding any is like tearing out a page from my own life


Books are impractical companions and housemates: they are heavy when you are travelling, and in the home take up a lot of space, are hard to keep clean, and harbour insects. It is not a matter of the physical book, it is the deep emotional connection that stretches back to my early years. Living without them is unimaginable."

As the blurb suggests, "Adelaide offers readers a deeper understanding of how the unconscious shapes, filters and connects ideas through a lifelong love affair with books. She has given me sharper lenses through which to focus closely on what is on the page and how it got there."

We were going to have a nice lunch at the local Chinese yesterday, but when we got there we found the place shut. The sign on the door read, "DUE TO UNFORESEEN CIRCUMCISIONS, WE ARE CLOSED TODAY!"

I went right back to Vinnies to spend the money on books. And I wasn't disappointed. I found this standing ovation to the glory and wonder of books. I have added it to my growing pile of unread books. I fully intend to read them all and I'm on schedule to do so by my 592nd birthday.

(Actually, I couldn't help myself and already read the first thirty pages!)

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