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Today's quote:

Friday, April 26, 2024

We're off to Cancerland

At the end of my radiotherapy treatment in September 2018


You have no maps for Cancerland and no idea if your passport has a valid exit permit. A guide gets in touch with you right at the very beginning. He makes sure he’s got your name and date of birth right and then says, 'I’m from the cancer police. You’ve got to come with me.'

So what do you do? You say, 'All right.' You have no real choice in the matter, as he says if you refuse to follow he’ll kill you. I said, 'I prefer to live. Take me where you will.' I’ve been following him ever since 2018.

I'm no longer being bombed with radiotherapy, and today's visit to Sydney is merely a quick check-up with the cancer police to find out if I've collected any speeding tickets. I'll let you know when I get back.

Googlemap Riverbend