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Today's quote:

Saturday, December 11, 2021

The great Aussie road trip


Aussies love a road trip. Packing up the ute and slogging for hours or days to get to some town that's only slightly less shit than where they came from is just part of living on the sprawling expanse of mediocrity that is Australia.

Not that I am likely to pack up and hit the road again. Once or, on the rare occasion, twice a month I visit the Bay, and I've also been in Sane a couple of times - because Padma drove me there - but for the rest I stay put at "Riverbend" with my books and movies and misanthropic moods.



Even though mentioned in Parliament, I am not adding "Sh*t Towns of Australia" to my library. My order book with ebay is already full with fifteen - one-five - books and four DVDs, due to arrive before Christmas.

Mind you, one cannot be too careful with shopping on ebay. A friend has just spent $95, plus postage, on a penis enlarger. The bastards sent him a magnifying glass, with the instructions, "Do not use in sunlight".

Googlemap Riverbend