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Today's quote:

Saturday, December 4, 2021

More money for books


In my best cursive writing - to create the impression that I'm too poor to afford a computer printer - I've penned a letter to the Australian Taxation Office pointing out to them that they are not infallible. "Zere iss no vay zee vool you are pulling ofer our eyes!"

I don't like seeing anything idle, including idle money, and I have already gone onto ebay to spend some. I love ebay: I give them money, and they send me things, mostly books. Where I will put them, both in my brain and in my house, is another question to be solved in the future, of which, unlike books, there is less and less with every passing days.

Just as with my Tax File Number, I won't tell you about all the books I've already ordered but here's a small selection: "Diving for Seahorses - The science and secrets of memory" by Hilde and Ylva Østby, Laura Tingle's "In Search of Government - Great Expectations & Political Amnesia", "Book by Book - Notes on Reading and Life", "Outposts: Journeys to the Surviving Relics of the British Empire", and a short escape into a short novel with Toshikazu Kawaguchi's "Before the coffee gets cold".

I've spent most of today on the jetty reading and blowing on some wine in a saucer to convince passing boaties that all I was having was hot tea.

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